GDPR follows rules about keeping your information safe, especially if you’re in the European Union (EU). Here’s some important info:

(a) Who’s in charge of your info:
We,, are located at 1228 Kensington Rd NW, Calgary, AB T2N 3P7. You can contact us at

(b) Contact for Data Protection Officer:
Will is the person in charge of protecting your data at You can contact Will at 1122 40 Ave NE, Calgary, AB, Canada T2E 5T8 or email Will at

(c) Why we collect your data:
We use your info to help with immigration stuff, provide immigration info, market our services, process payments, and prevent fraud.

(d) Who gets your info:
Only employees, contractors of, and third-party service providers who help with our services will have access to your info.

(e) How long we keep your info:
We keep your info for as long as we need it for the reasons mentioned above or as required by laws.

(f) Your rights to your info:
You can ask us to see, correct, or delete your info by emailing our Data Protection Officer at

(g) You can change your mind:
If you don’t want us to use your info anymore, you can say so anytime without affecting the past uses.

(h) If you’re not happy:
If you think we are not following the rules, you can complain to the authority in charge of data protection.

(i) Why we need your info:
You need to give us your name and contact info so we can help you with immigration stuff and provide our services.

(j) No computer decisions:
We promise not to use your info to make decisions by computers or create profiles about you.

(k) If we use your info for something new:
If we decide to use your info for something different, we’ll tell you and give you more info.

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