Discovering the suitable expert for your situation can be a challenge, particularly if you’re located outside of Canada. Future simplifies the process by connecting you with experts through video consultations.

Clients have the flexibility to book as few or as many consultations as necessary to aid with their applications—or entrust Future to handle the entire process!

Schedule a 30-minute consultation with a Certified Canadian Immigration Consultant today!

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Canadian Immigration for Individuals

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This text briefly introduces visitors to your main services.

Provincial Nominee Program

The Provincial Nominee Program is designed to assist you in obtaining permanent residency in a particular province in Canada. Each province has unique requirements and programs that align with its specific regional economic and demographic priorities.

Express Entry

Express Entry is a program by the government for people with skills. It helps you apply for permanent residency in Canada from your home country. Your chances are based on your skills, work experience, language abilities, education, and more.

Open work Permit

A special work permit lets you work in Canada for up to 48 months. You can work for any employer, and you can change jobs whenever you want.

Closed Work Permit

A special work permit lets you work in Canada for up to 48 months, but it's just for one employer. If you want to change jobs, you need permission from the government.

Spousal Open WP

This special work permit lets you work in Canada for up to 48 months with any employer. Your spouse also needs a valid work permit in Canada.

Seasonal Agricultural

This lets you work in Canada for farming, but only during the growing season. Usually, these work permits last for 8 months, from March to November. The dates may change depending on the type of work.

Make Canada Your Permanent Home

Visiting Canada

Study in Canada

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Address: 1228 Kensington Rd NW, Calgary, AB T2N 3P7

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